Personal Stories
Yank Rachell
Category: Artist Time period: Pre-WWII and Post-WWII
Date nominated: Apr 11, 2010 Date inducted: Sep 1, 2012 Ratings: 17 Average rating: 4.01
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Born James Rachell, his career as a performer spanned nearly eighty years, and was often teamed with the guitarist and singer Sleepy John Estes. Though a capable guitarist and singer, he was better known as a master of the blues mandolin. In his later years he appeared in filmmaker Terry Zwigoff's documentary about fellow musician Howard Armstrong, and was a featured performer with John Sebastian and the J-Band. Todd Kwait's 2007 documentary "Chasin' Gus' Ghost" includes footage of Rachell performing with the J-Band. B.B. King said about Rachell; "It's people like you who made people like me possible.